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about us

Your time is best
spent in delivering
patient care

Instead of administrative tasks such as writing and editing medical letters. AutoTranscribe is here to help healthcare professionals turn administrative burdens into patient-facing hours.

The Team Behind

AutoTranscribe is developed by Telecare, Australia’s leading and largest specialist telehealth provider and healthcare solution creator
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Our vision to provids accessible specialist care to all Australians and alleviate the administrative burdens faced by healthcare workers and volunteers. Telecare referred specialist service is supported by over 300 qualified APHRA listed medical specialists and allied health professionals covering 30 different specialties, and we have a network of over 3000 referrers nationwide to provide continuity of care to under-served patients across the country.
rxpad logo
Telecare has developed RxPad, Australia's first fully conformant standalone electronic prescribing tool used by hundreds of clinicians across the country since launching in August 2023. Want to learn more about RxPad?

Find out more below!